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12 DO's and DONT's of TRAVEL

Do #1

Always carry tissues with you when heading to the toilet. Sometimes they have loo roll and sometimes they don’t.

Note: check to see if there is any communal roll outside the toilets.

Don't #1 ⛔️

Don’t bother with getting 40L-specific bags. Most airlines give only 7kg of carry-on baggage and there is no chance you’re fitting your life into that amount of space.

Do #2

Get yourself a Monzo bank account. Each month you can withdraw £200 without any bank charges. But unfortunately, you will still have to pay the fee to withdraw from an ATM.

Don't #2 ⛔️

Don’t overdo it with the long-haul travel. It may seem cheaper to choose a sleeper bus/train as you aren’t having to pay for accommodation, but those days are killers and can sometimes flow into the next day. And if you have time, you don’t need to cramp the travel days in. We went from Chiang Mai to Koh Samui over 2 days and it almost crucified us.

Do #3

Buy lots of suncream before your trip. It is very expensive to buy out in South East Asia and they tend to have whitener in it.

Don't #3 ⛔️

Don’t not do an activity or have a fancy accommodation because it is out of budget. You’ve worked hard to build this money and you deserve to treat yourself. It is much better to be a little skint than regret not doing something.

Do #4

Get involved in local life as much as possible. It is only the true way of getting an authentic experience of life and culture.

Don't #4 ⛔️

Don’t over plan nor under plan. Both can lead to missed experiences and overspending.

Do #5

Do what you want to do and go. Don’t feel the need to go to the hot spots of places just because it’s the thing to do.

Don't #5 ⛔️

Don’t expect western transport service in Southeast Asia. It will be makeshift, you will be cramped into a minivan, you may have air con dripping on you and you probably will be left on the road for hours waiting for a connecting bus. But these are all part and parcel of travelling.

Do #6

Build a comfortable budget and in keeping with your standard of travel. So, if you are planning on doing lots of activities this needs to be considered when saving up. It also comes into play with places you want to go and what they are built around.

Don't #6 ⛔️

Don’t risk getting a motorbike or a scooter if you are uncomfortable driving or have never driven before. The roads are nowhere near the same as western roads and most travel insurance will not cover you in an accident and we saw a fair few bad accidents. Don’t underestimate how hard it is to drive.

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